Why the Blog?

No I don’t think I’m a gift from god and everyone should listen to what I have to say. Anyone on my facebook already knows I’ll write paragraphs in response to an article or about what’s happening in my life, and I thought an actual blog would be a more appropriate platform for said writings.

My posts could be just a comment about an article or event, or it could be a lengthy post of my thoughts and feelings. They could be writings about current events, sexuality, gender, mental health, or just about anything – though mental health and gender are probably going to be most prevalent.

I was talking to another member of the jack.org UofT chapter about why I’m active in mental health advocacy and I think this was the first time I put into words part of my motivation to speak up. I am extremely fortunate to come from a family that recognizes that mental illnesses are real and that they have stood beside me as I speak publicly about my experiences. I know that’s often not the case, so I can’t just sit back and not use my privilege to speak up and make changes for those who are still living in silence.

(*I’ve copied past writings that I’ve shared in other places, mainly Facebook posts, to have them all in one place.)

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