Ted-Jan Bloemen. If you haven’t heard his name or don’t know his story, it is the perfect example of the difference a supportive network can make. He was part of the Dutch speed skating program and he’d be on the senior team one year, then they’d drop him the next. The program didn’t commit their […]
Category: My Life
PTSD and Ed
I’ve been thinking about my recovery in regard to the trauma and how that may be impacting me still. I’m definitely in a much better place than I was a year ago. Flashbacks are pretty much non-existent, they may be triggered by being in a similar situation (witnessing a crash, hearing sounds similar to it, […]
I Hope That Boy Heard Me
I was at the CNE when I heard a mom saying “you do not wear nail polish.” I didn’t think much of it, maybe they were too young, though their tone was harsher than I thought necessary for the situation but I’m conscious to not “parent-shame” (even if I only have fur babies myself right […]
Not A Coming Out
I spoke about my privilege in being able to speak openly about my mental health while my family stands by my side, and that same privilege applies to my sexuality. It was only when I came to university that I even had an interest in dating and relationships, but it’s only in the last 1-2 […]
Why the Blog?
No I don’t think I’m a gift from god and everyone should listen to what I have to say. Anyone on my facebook already knows I’ll write paragraphs in response to an article or about what’s happening in my life, and I thought an actual blog would be a more appropriate platform for said writings. […]
Girls in Sport
This! In so many ways! I love coaching and working with kids, especially young girls – I hope I can help make sure they remember how powerful they are, and that they learn how to lose, and to be confident in who they are no matter the situation or obstacles they face. It’s also fun […]
Survived 2016
This is the fourth year in a row that I feel this is true. I’m not even going to write a big post this year because I think I’ve said enough for 2016. I’m ready for 2017 to come and to keep moving forward and hopefully have a successful year. Thanks to my family and […]
2 Years
It’s been almost exactly two years since things changed for me in a big way. I was in a single-vehicle crash on the 401 where I sustained relatively minor physical injuries compared to the severity of the crash, but the most lasting injury has been the PTSD and accompanying anxiety that has inhibited my ability […]
Goodbye 2015
After everything that happened last year, I was sure things could only get better this year but let’s just say I’m more than happy to see 2015 come to a close. I completed treatment in January and have maintained that recovery pretty well. My PTSD hit this year though and has been one of the […]
EDAW 2015
I’ve been thinking about what to say for Eating Disorder Awareness Week. There’s just so much that has happened and so much people need to know! Eating disorders don’t discriminate based on age, gender, ethnicity, money, success, etc. EDs are not a choice and those suffering need help. There is a stigma attached to mental […]